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Anstruther is a Town in the Fife area of Scotland, 49 miles north of Edinburgh, 9 miles south of St Andrews.

Anstruther is popular for its Scenic Harbour, Scottish Fisheries Museum, Boat Trips & Fast RIB Trips to the Isle of May, and the Caiplie Caves 2 miles north on the Coastal Path.

Top sections of the Fife Coastal Path are here, 4 miles north to Crail, 2 miles south to Pittenweem, 3 miles south to St Monans, 6 miles south to Elie.

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The image top is looking across Anstruther Harbour.

The second image is of the Market Cross on Shore Street that runs alongside the Harbour. This area has a good selection of Cafes, Diners, Ice Cream, and Fish and Chip Shops.

The Promenade runs alongside the Harbour to the Scottish Fisheries Museum and small Beach.

The Scottish Fisheries Museum opened in 1969, giving information on Fishing along the Fife Coast from Early Times - 2000s. This is a large Museum in a number of buildings, including a 1500s Abbot's lodging, and a 1700s Merchant's house, also with a Cafe.

Boat Trips to the Isle of May, about 5 miles out from Anstruther, run most days from 1st April to 30th September.

Osprey of Anstruther provide Fast RIB trips to the Isle of May from April to September.

These trips normally allow you to view, Guillemots, Razorbill's, Shags, Gannets, Grey Seals, Porpoise, Dolphin, and the odd Whale. On the Island are the remains of Monasteries from the 500s and 1100s. There are also three Lighthouses, with one the Oldest in Scotland.

There are two Churches by the Harbour in Anstruther, the West Parish Church to the southwest built in the 1500s, and Parish Church built in 1634 to the north, both easily found as they can be seen from the Harbour.

Anstruther Golf Club is on the south side of the Town, founded in 1891. There is a Tower on the Golf Course that serves as the Anstruther World War One Memorial.

Anstruther History

The name Anstruther is thought to be from Gaelic, meaning One Burn. The Town grew around Sea Fishing, mainly Herring.

1225 - the earliest record of a Lord Anstruther was mentioned in a Charter.

A Chapel was one of the earliest buildings in Anstruther, where the Scottish Fisheries Museum is now.

1583 - King James VI of Scotland gave Anstruther the status of a Royal Burgh.

Anstruther expanded from this time through Tanning, Shipbuilding, Fish-Curing, Cod Liver Oil, and Coastal Trade.

1863 - the Railway reached Anstruther from the South.

1887 - the Railway was extended to St Andrews 9 miles north.

1936 - record catches of Herring were recorded along this coast. Herring is mainly caught from June to August, so the industry used to preserve vast quantities by Smoking or Pickling, so they could be sold throughout the winter. Herring is a small fatty fish.

1950s - Herring Fishing in the area had declined dramatically due to Over Fishing.

Fishing along the Fife Coast then was mainly for Mackerel, Atlantic Cod, Haddock, Whiting, Coalfish, European Plaice, Sole, Common Shrimp, Lobster, and Crab.

1965 - the Railway closed to passengers.

1990s - Controls were put on Herring Fishing in the North Sea to allow stocks to recover.

2010s - Herring Stocks in the North Sea were reported to be increasing to a sustainable level, although by that time most people in the UK only eat White Fish such as Cod, Haddock, and Whiting.

Fatty and Oily fish such as Herring and Mackerel are mainly exported to Europe and Asia.

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