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Scotland Facts

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Below is a list of Interesting Facts about Scotland.

We will try to add in the missing information soon.

The object of this page is to see how Scotland would mannage in the event of a world wide event that would lead to countries living off what they produce for themselves.

There are about 5.3 million people living in Scotland, about 12% of the UK population

The UK population is about 64 million

There are about 2.2 million houses in Scotland

There are about 2,490,000 people working in Scotland

There are about 879,500 pensioners in Scotland

There are about 830,000 children in education

There are about 270,000 students in education

The largest cities are Glasgow pop 600,000 and Edinburgh pop 500,000


Scotland produces more Gas than it uses, exporting about ?%

Scotland Wind Power currently provides enough electricity for about 800,000 homes

Scotland expects to be producing enough renewable energy for all Scotland by 2020

Scotland currently produces more electricity than it uses, exporting around 28%

Scotland produces about 1.5 million barrels of oil per day

Scotland oil covers about 60% of the UK oil needs

It is said oil production raises about £10 billion in tax revenue per year for the UK

Oil companies state it costs about 50 dollars per barrel to produce North Sea Oil

North Sea Oil is expected to last for about another 40 years

Scotland has one major oil refinery at Grangmouth by Falkirk

Test drilling was carried out on the southwest coast in 1980s, result seem to be top secret

Claims are there are about 100 years of oil reserves off the northwest coast


Whisky production raises about £4.25billion in revenue

The worldwide retail value of Scottish farmed salmon is over £1 billion

Scotland beef in 2013 was worth more than £756 million

Scots consume ------- of beef

Scottish lamb was worth £189 million in 2013

Scots consume -------- of lamb

Scottish pork was worth £63 million in 2012

Scots consume ---------- of pork

Chicken production was worth £99 million in 2012

Scots consume --------- of chicken

Scottish potato output was over 1.15 million tonnes in 2014

Scots consume --------- of potato's

Scotland Grows about one million tons of wheat, little of which is used for bread

Scotland imports ------------ of wheat for making bread

Fish and seafood exports are about £600m per year

Scots consume ---------- of seafood


Scotland mines produce --------- tons of coal per year

Scotland imports -------- tons of coal per year

Scotland produces ------- tons of timber per year

Scotland imports -------- tons of timber per year


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